Open Letter regarding the Armstrong Hall

Type of post: Armstrong Hall
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Mike Elcock
Status: Current
Date Posted: Fri, 14 Apr 2023
Here is an urgent message from Geoff Kitchen, secretary of Thornbury Musical Theatre Group:

We/I am involved in a fresh initiative to put pressure on our newly elected representatives when they take office, concerning reopening the Armstrong Hall. The idea is for an open letter to be delivered with the following wording:
We the undersigned call upon Thornbury Town Council and representatives of the Armstrong Hall Trust to work together to solve the acute problem of the very large hole left in the cultural life of Thornbury caused by the closure of the Armstrong Hall Complex in 2020. Our rapidly growing community is much the poorer for the lack of this facility; and the creative forces that have long existed in the Thornbury population are in danger of fading away.
 A viability study has shown that the Armstrong Hall Complex can be run successfully with a different management structure and outward looking approach. It is not too late to bring the Complex back to life, but this is now extremely urgent.
The previous Town Council as sole Trustee showed a complete lack of ambition and demonstrated a narrow and secretive approach towards the issue, and we call upon you as a new group of individuals to do much better.”
As many names as possible are being collected from all parts of the Thornbury community to populate the list of ‘…the undersigned…’ and I/we would very much welcome your confirmation that you would like to be included.
In order to be included please do not reply to this email but instead write, by 30th April, to where the larger part of this fresh initiative is being managed. When writing please use the subject heading ARMSTRONG HALL OPEN LETTER and state how your name should appear along with any description you think would be helpful.
Local press and media will be approached to carry the completed open letter. Social media will also be used to spread the word.
On a related issue please keep your eye on the AHAA Facebook page as we hope to publish information on Candidates’ attitude towards reopening the Armstrong Hall which may usefully influence your voting choice.
Thank you for your continuing support and I hope you will be able to support this fresh initiative.

I have put my signature to it on behalf of TCS.  It would be great if you could send an email to Geoff Kitchen adding your own support and pass the message on to other organisations and individuals with an interest.