6 June 2024 June email

Type of post: Weekly email
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Mike Elcock
Status: Current
Date Posted: Thu, 6 Jun 2024
Dear all

Christmas Oratorio

If you are looking for some help with the German in the Christmas Oratorio next term (you are not alone!), I have found the following YouTube videos which might help:

They are now on our website here: 
I will be adding more resources to that page in due course.

Also, here are a couple of reminders:

Frank Walter's funeral

This is tomorrow, Friday 7th June 2024, 2pm, at St Mary de Malmesbury Church, Littleton, followed by a wake at The White Hart, Littleton, from 3:30pm.


* Feel free to wear what you wish
* Parking is available in the field next to the church. If it is wet and you are concerned about getting stuck, there is a car park behind The White Hart, about a 5-10 minute walk away.
* No flowers please, but donations are being accepted in aid of St Peter's Hospice and the MND Association, who helped Frank and Lizzie so much in recent months. A donation page is available at funerals.uk.net/make-a-donation (enter "walters" in the box), or you may give in person at the service.
* Food will be served at the wake.

Map links: 

* St Mary's: https://maps.app.goo.gl/VuJqW6SRUogfw8Qa7
* The White Hart: https://maps.app.goo.gl/T45d5UM5qLt7t1y29

Stephen Kings' recital: Forms and Fantasies

This is on Sunday 16 June at 4pm in St Mary's Church, Thornbury as part of the St Mary's Music Sunday Afternoon Concert Series.  I attach a poster.  He will be playing works by Beethoven, CPE Bach, Moeran and Scarlatti.  I hope as many of you as possible can come and support him.  Entrance is free and there are refreshments afterwards.  Donations will go to St Mary's Church Music Fund.  Please encourage your family and friends to come.

Best wishes for a great summer,
Mike Elcock
Thornbury Choral Society