AGM 2024 Papers

Type of post: Weekly email
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Mike Elcock
Status: Current
Date Posted: Fri, 2 Aug 2024

Dear all current members (and recent past members)

We have our AGM and first rehearsal on Monday 2 September. The AGM papers are attached.  The AGM will start at 7.30pm. We will begin the rehearsal as soon as the AGM is over.  Please let me have your apologies if you are not going to be at the AGM.

If you have any items for discussion not on the agenda, please let me have them and we can discuss them under Any Other Business.

The Officers and committee members are happy to continue in their roles, but we could do with one or two more members to join the committee.  Please let us know if you are interested.

Also attached is the membership registration form for next year 2024-25.  The membership subscriptions are staying the same as last year at £100.  This can be paid by cash, cheque or card (Geoff will be bringing a card machine to rehearsals) or by bank transfer.  Please make sure you complete a form and hand it in, even if you pay by bank transfer.  We can only collect Gift Aid if we have a signed form from you.

Our Welcome Evening will be the following Monday 9 September at 7.30pm when we hope to welcome more new members and catch up with each other.

Next term, we will be singing Bach's Christmas Oratorio (using the New Novello edition and singing in German) for our concert on 30 November in St Mary’s Church, Thornbury.  Two of the Monday night rehearsals will be in St Mary's - 30 September and 25 November.

We will be singing carols at the Gables again on 19 December (but not at Sheiling School which is closing).

At our workshop on Saturday 1 March 2025, we will be singing two works - Stravinsky's Symphony of Psalms and Brahms' Song of Destiny.  We hope to be joined by some members of a Finnish choir who have been in contact with us.

In May 2025, we are singing Durufle's Requiem accompanied by organ plus various motets, and in November 2025 we are singing Handel's Messiah accompanied by a small orchestra.

We now need to agree a programme for 2026.  If you have any suggestions, please write to me or use this page of the website:  There will also be a sheet you can complete at rehearsals.  We will consider all the suggestions at a Music Committee meeting in September or October.

Many thanks,

Mike Elcock
Thornbury Choral Society

If you would no longer like to receive any emails from us, please reply to me with "please unsubscribe me".

Papers (Agenda, Draft 2023 AGM minutes, Chairman's report, Conductor's report, Nomination form)
Treasurer's report
Financial summary
Registration Form 2024-25